I grew up in Somerset and moved to Bristol originally to study music. I became involved in the music industry and have been lucky enough to spend many years working as an Artist. With a passion for writing I have always been extremely interested in the creative process. As such I have always been active in following the latest research into the workings of the mind.
I have also worked within the corporate world and here I found a real love for helping people. It was here that I was able to develop skills in the mentoring, training and development of others.
I first became fascinated by Hypnotherapy in 2008 when my then wife was expecting our first child. Simply by using Hypnobirthing CDs she was helped to overcome great fears regarding childbirth and went on to have two successful home births! It became even more apparent to me that there is extraordinary power within us and with the right help we can use our minds to overcome anything.
Since then I have become much more focused on personal development and growth. Through the development of a mindfulness practice I have become far more inquisitive around what really makes us happy. As part of this journey I volunteer with a UK charity that offers Mindfulness training for Carers – The Mindful Life.
Raising children has led me to learn more about the developing brain and question how we bring up happy kids. It has also led me to question how our mental health as adults is shaped by our childhood; and what methods can be successful for changing our future mental health.